What’s On

Participate in upcoming I.D.E.A. events across industries and organizations

Upcoming events and festivals

Want to learn more about diversity and inclusion? Browse, search and sign up for the D&I upcoming events hosted by Loretta and other D&I experts.

Filtering by: “Diversity”

Future of Work in the Sales and Marketing Field in Canada: Labour Market Trends, Challenges and Opportunities | Loretta Lam Speaking

Future of Work in the Sales and Marketing Field in Canada: Labour Market Trends, Challenges and Opportunities | Loretta Lam Speaking

Future of Work in the Sales and Marketing Field in Canada: Labour Market Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

Are you a recent graduate or a new immigrant interested in building a successful career in #Sales and #Marketing? 

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Loretta Lam, Chief Strategist of #FocusCommunications, Mandy Gibson, President of International Association Of Business Communicator (IABC) - Toronto, and Sartaj Sarkaria, Acting COO of Canadian Marketing Association (CMA). Come hear these industry leaders’ sharing their experience and offering advice and insights on latest trends, challenges and career opportunities in sales and marketing, including:

·         Skills in demand currently and new skills required to thrive in the Sales and Marketing field

·         Existing skills gap among #immigrant sales and marketing professionals and solutions to fill them

·         Changing job requirements post-COVID and its impact on the workforce

Register now for the complimentary session hosted by TRIEC at 6 pm (EST) on Thursday, June 23, 2022

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New Normal: Coping and Thriving under a Hybrid Work Environment | Loretta Lam Speaking

New Normal: Coping and Thriving under a Hybrid Work Environment | Loretta Lam Speaking

New Normal: Coping and Thriving under a Hybrid Work Environment

Join the event featuring an exciting panel discussion on:

  • Considerations and challenges in preparing to work in a hybrid work environment

  • Adjustments that employers and employees can make to create a positive work culture

  • Impact on employee mental health and work-life balance

  • Tips for coping and thriving in a hybrid work arrangement

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4th Annual Strategic Internal Communication Conference | Loretta Lam Speaking
to Nov. 10

4th Annual Strategic Internal Communication Conference | Loretta Lam Speaking


This year’s theme, Words Matter, speaks to the central role of communication as an integral enabler of organizational and individual success.

As communication and human resources practitioners, we know the power of words to “incite or inspire.” We were put to the test in a year full of uncertainty and chaos to use communication in order to create connection, inspire calm, encourage collaboration and build community. We needed to be stronger together even though many of us were far apart. We created trust in our leaders, our people and our organizations through authentic conversations that showcased care for humanity. We upheld our commitment to truth, ethics and facts.

Join us to hear from leaders in our field who will share their stories of struggles and success. Get insights from thought leaders on what the new normal is and how to prepare for the future. Learn about the new technologies now available. Take pride in the important role you play in communicating to and engaging employees and internal audiences.

Event Highlight: The Power of Words in Diversity & Inclusion Communication

By Loretta Lam

Words are powerful.  As internal communicators, we can unintentionally do a lot of good or damage with our words. Internal communications has the potential to build a culture that encourages open and productive conversations, leading to better outcomes for the organization and people in the organization.  

Many leaders feel good about their diversity policy when their organization provides D&I training and embeds diversity into hiring practices.  Although your company profile may look good at a glance, it’s important that Diversity and inclusion isn’t superficial. 


At this session, Loretta will:

  • Share insights from the CMA D&I report published in 2021

  • Identify areas where companies and leaders are falling short on D&I strategy and communication, and

  • Help you move beyond checking diversity boxes to create a genuine strategy that benefits your organization

From her 25-year experience as a multicultural marketing expert working with a roster of multinationals, non-profit and government clients on diversity marketing and communication, she will share her client experience on formulating D&I strategy, trainings, and discuss some common mistakes.

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Diversity in PR Conference | Loretta Lam Speaking

Diversity in PR Conference | Loretta Lam Speaking


Diversity in PR and is presented in partnership with SummersDirect Conferences & Events.

Making PRogress

In the past year, it’s become clear that the conversation around diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging has fundamentally changed. Public Relations professionals are looking at their organizations, their departments, and themselves and reflecting on our own roles in protecting systemic norms that keep diverse professionals from moving up through organizations.

We’ve also seen our associations do the research and set goals for change. The big question? Are we simply being performative or are we actually driving results?

Join us as we look back at what has changed (and what hasn’t) in PR in the past year and what it means for innovation, service delivery and our own reputation as a profession.

Panel: Performance and Progress – How our professional membership bodies are showing their commitment to DEI

Join representatives from PR and Communication associations as they discuss the progress they have made on diversity, inclusion and equity in our profession.

  • The results of research conducted on the state of diversity in the professional around the world

  • The actions taken and progress made in the past year

  • The opportunities and challenges that lie ahead

Panelists: Gabrielle Loring, Katrina Marshall, Loretta Lam

Moderator: Jefferson Darrell

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